Freight Data

USD value $ InsuranceYes    No
Destination Dimensions  X  X 
Volumetric weight
City / Town
Repeat EmailTelephone
PasswordContact Name
Repeat PasswordContact Phone
Tax ID
Company Name

Freight Cost

Shipping Charge
Fuel Surcharge
Total Cost USD

Customs Cost

Customs Cost
TUF Goverment fee per Entry
Customs handling Surcharge

Definition of TUF: Transaction User Fee – Local government fee per entry at Customs. The final fees may vary depending on customs declarations, fines or other charges beyond our control. Also we may charge administrative handling fees for customs processing depending on the value of the package. The price indicated above is only an estimate of the freight and customs charges. The price shown is based on the information you provided. Any variation will result in a change in price. Sales tax is not included.